You've never heard cows talk like this! - Babies and Mama's at the Ranch
By: Your Rancher, Elin, May 10th 2023
Interests: Ranching, Conservation, Regenerative Agriculture, Grass Finished Beef
WARNING: Prepare to be Moo-ed
I am warning you, if you're reading this at the office, the video below contains lots of "moo-ing". So you can either turn the volume down, or crank it up to ten and turn some heads! I suggest the latter, it might spark good conversation about how you actually get to see your food source, and how they can too. Enjoy today's "Behind the Fences" look at your ranch! (video below)
"Behind the Fences" Ranch Update
Your look at how TRUE Colorado Grass-Finished Beef is Raised:
Cows and Calves Coming Home
With all of you that secured your Grass-Finished Beef supply by reserving from our Summer Herd, we are able to sustainably plan EXACTLY how many cattle we need to bring to our Summer "Finishing" pastures (and when to bring them)
Your input is vital.
Especially in years like this one, where there is drought happening all over the west (which is only getting more and more common).
This is when pastures are their most vulnerable, and need to be treated with EXPERT care (and love).
Some of you might think "Oh, so that means you need to keep the cattle off the pastures". I don't want to say you're wrong, so I'll just say that's not quite right.
The pastures need cattle like a hedge needs trimmed. To keep it in it's ideal state, it needs the right amount of "pruning".
The cattle graze the grasses to stimulate new and DEEPER root growth, fertilize the pasture with manure, and then churn and aerate the soil with their hooves. Man has literally been unable to design a better way to improve soil.
Instead, the agriculture industry has become addicted and DEPENDENT to chemical fertilizers.
It's not an overstatement.
And then when anything disrupts the fertilizer supply chain (like a pandemic, labor shortage, price hikes etc) food production falls off a cliff, and REAL people suffer through shortages and inflations.
It's almost hard to believe that something so vital to us, our food, hinges on things that are so fragile.
That's why we are prouder than ever of those of you that have taken control of your beef supply by getting it DIRECT from the source. We're so happy to provide you some peace of mind.
Anyways, I have strayed, back to the ranch!
Last week, we brought a group of Mama's and their babies ("Cow/Calf Herd" is the ranching term) from our Cousin's pasture to our Summer pasture.
What you will see in the video below might be the most "social" you've ever seen cows before.
That's because for transit, we have to keep the calves in their own area for safety. So when we drop them all off at the ranch, the cows and calves begin calling each other to reunite.
The cow can identify its calf by its call and smell.
After this reunion party, we took all the cows and calves down the meadow to the pond so they could drink, graze, rest, and get acclimated to their new home.
The snow in the video below has melted away into the soil, and the warmth of the past few days will be sprouting green grass very soon! We can't wait to show it to you when it comes in.
Enjoy the video, and thank you for taking the time to learn more about your food source :)

Thank You All!
Again, our deepest thank you for taking the time to learn more about your food source.
It's more important now than ever!
You are doing more than 99.9% of all buyers out there (seriously).
Good job, keep it up, and we look forward to serving you one day!
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About Sangre's Best Beef
Meet Your Rancher, Elin Ganschow
Real Life Cowgirl, Horse Trainer, RancHER, Choir member, Chess Lover, Wife, Mother, and owner of Sangre's Best Beef
What COLORADO Beef Should Taste Like...
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