Next Step in the Journey - Ranch Update
By: Elin Ganschow on August 3rd, 2022
Interests: Ranching, Conservation, Regenerative Agriculture, Grass Finished Beef
Next Step in the Journey
For all of those that support us with beef orders, you should be incredibly proud of the Beef Buying system you have helped create. It truly is one the most sustainable, efficient, healthiest, and wholesome beef buying systems out there. It doesn't get more direct from your rancher than this!
Your beef deposits helped us plan our entire summer herd, which allows us to develop responsible grazing plans. This ensures healthy pastures and healthy beef.
Now, it is time for some of our cattle to move on to the next step of their journey. They have utilized the bountiful grasses from the earth to grow healthy and strong, and in turn, they've gifted the soil essential nutrients for regeneration. Their role as stewards of the pasture is now complete.
The first load of beef left our ranch this past weekend to make the short trip over the mountain to our local processor in Montrose, CO.
We are right on schedule for the first orders of Summer Beef to start shipping out in September. As we get updates from the processor, we will pass that news along to our customers, letting them know exactly when their beef will arrive.
Again, we are so grateful to all of you who make this system possible. You're truly a part of something special!
God Bless!
From this past summer...

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About Sangre's Best Beef
Meet Your Rancher, Elin Ganschow
Real Life Cowgirl, Horse Trainer, RancHER, Choir member, Chess Lover, Wife, Mother, and owner of Sangre's Best Beef
Grass Finished VS. Grain Finished
See How Our World Famous Pastures create the Best Beef
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